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              Good Friday Appeal

              Apr 18, 2023 | Charities

              If you’ve been keeping up with current events, then you’re probably familiar with the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal, an annual fundraising event that attracts a lot of attention. The occasion features celebrity appearances, takes over Channel 7 for most of the day, and even includes tie-ins with the AFL via the Good Friday Superclash. It’s a fantastic cause that brings people together and generates positive vibes.

              At Thompson Financing, we have a soft spot for charities that support children’s healthcare, and our CEO Bruce Thompson is particularly passionate about this (you can read why here). We’re proud to say that we donate to charities on a regular basis that support this, and this year was no exception.

              In the mood for some giving, Stephen laid down the gauntlet to the Thompson Financing staff; “Whatever you raise I’ll match x5”. Being a team that loves a challenge, we stepped up and collected almost $2,000 from staff contributions. As promised, Stephen matched this sum and donated an additional $10,000 of his own.

              All in all, Thompson Financing contributed $11,797 to the Good Friday Appeal, which is the most significant donation we’ve ever made to this cause. It’s a fantastic achievement, and we’re thrilled to have been able to help. Our contribution helped the Good Friday Appeal set a new fundraising record, raising a total of $23,061,320. Well done everyone!
