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              Annual Hymans Charity Lunches

              Jun 29, 2022 | Charities

              This year, as in previous years they have run, Thompson Financing was proud to be the National Event Sponsor for the Hyman Charity lunches in support of a great group of charities, Bayley House in Victoria, Inala in New South Wales, and HELP in Queensland.

              These charities are more in need of the support provided by these events than ever before, having not run during the pandemic. COVID has taken its toll in so many ways on so many of us, from individual hardships to financial effects on businesses, to illness and more, and often the very silent group are actually charities as they have been extremely affected by the lack of donations, and their income streams have been upheaved by the consequence of the way NDIS funding works.

              At Thompson Financing, philanthropy is extremely important and each year we look for a number of charities that we align with and feel we can have the greatest impact on with our support. By giving back to charities and allowing them to help others we ultimately help our wider community, something that I would encourage every business to do in their way. This year we will be donating over $40,000 in support of these Charities and the Hyman-run lunches

              As a Board Member of the Bayley House Foundation, one of the charities on the receiving end of these funds, I have been able to see the impacts first hand that the funds raised at these events can have on a charitable organisation. We have proudly been supporting these events run by Ian Hyman OAM for the last 7 years they have run, and hope that this year’s events are proving to be bigger than ever. We acknowledge that Ian has been tirelessly running these important events for nearly 30 years, raising millions of dollars for a wide array of charities, his passion, enthusiasm and ability to encourage people to dig deep in giving is unmatched and should be applauded. Well done Ian!

              We look forward to continuing to support these events well into the future and doing our bit to ensure the events are an overwhelming success.