National Breast Cancer Foundation
Statistically, 1 in 7 women and 1 in 670 men are at risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer. 8 women lose their life every day to breast cancer. What that means is that most people in their lifetime will know someone, be it a friend or a loved one, who is affected by it. It is a frightening statistic. In fact, almost every member of staff in our offices has been affected by it in some way. In March, we donated $3300 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation to help find a cure.
This month, we have unfortunately received the news that, after a long and hard-fought battle, one of our staff lost a family member to breast cancer. It’s a terrible disease. That’s why, this week, we’ve donated an additional $7500. It won’t bring them back, but it will aid in the fight to try and bring an end to breast cancer.
The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is United States’s leading national body funding world-class, game-changing breast cancer research. They receive no government funding, and rely on public donations to continue to change the statistics.